An Answer: 33 Months in the Making

Oh friends! It’s been a while. Not that I haven’t begun several posts and then found myself completely uninspired and just walked away… I felt like I was on fire there for a while, but then I hit this slump where everything just felt forced and I knew that it wasn’t what I wanted to put out there for the world to read.

Today is different. Over a year after my last post, I finally feel that tingling of inspiration. Much has happened over this last year and we are currently on the most intense spiritual high that I, personally, have ever experienced. I have chronicled the medical journeys of my two beautiful little boys to some extent, but as the demands chronic medical conditions became more normal than novelty, I stopped sharing. We were just doing life and that was it. It has been a frightening and exhausting time, but we finally know what is wrong with our oldest boy (DS4)! Are you ready to hear the news?

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Pray Without Ceasing

Happy Thanksgiving! I thought today would be an appropriate day for a post since my tagline is: Be thankful. Give thanks. Live thankfully. This is my absolute favorite holiday of the year and always serves as an excellent reminder that I have immeasurable blessing in my life. Today is a day that is to be marked by giving thanks to God, and one way in which we are to do that is through prayer.

On my about page you will find Scripture that is near and dear to my heart:

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV

I think many of us could give sound advice on how one might be able to “rejoice always” or to “give thanks in all circumstances,” but to “pray without ceasing,” may seem a little outside one’s capability. Continue reading

Did you miss me?!? Well, I didn’t die…

Hello faithful followers,

I have neglected you. After July 26, 2014, I just vanished.  If you follow me on any other social media sites, you probably have somewhat of an idea about what my life has been like the past three months.  It has been this incredible blur of doctors, hospitals, dietary changes, therapy appointments, new medications, excrement and emesis, and a taste of normalcy thrown in here and there.  I took a quick look at my calendar and, literally, the day following my last post is when the ‘S’ hit the fan. If you could see my calendar, you might actually cry. But the good news is: we survived! Continue reading

I wonder what I missed…

I tried to write this post six days ago and found that I really had no motivation.  I have had a couple people in my life bring it up over the last week so I thought maybe now is the time.

My social media vacation is over, and like any vacation, I don’t really want it to end.  What is so great about this vacation is that it doesn’t have to end; I can just keep on doing everything I am doing and not telling the whole internet about it. Mmmmmm.  Bliss. Continue reading

Time to Turn It Off

I read a post on The Art of Simple a few days back about a book that is about to come out called “Finding Spiritual Whitespace,” and it got me to thinking… I could use some more whitespace in my life.  I have so much that clamors for my attention all the time and it leaves me feeling sapped of mental and physical energy.  I read a lot of different things about having and doing less in order to live more, and I really love the idea of that.  However, sometimes it seems like there just really isn’t much more I can excise from my life.

Then it hit me: SOCIAL MEDIA.  Continue reading

Satanism: The only religion that accepts everyone

Now that I have your attention and have alienated more than half of my readership…

I was watching Tosh.0 the other day (yes, I am aware this is not wholesome television, to say the very least, but I am going somewhere with this), and the host, Daniel Tosh, did a bit with this “metal club” (as in music, not building material) from a high school.  He asked the students if they were Satanists (the predominant view being that all metalheads are Satan worshippers).  One member said they were and he asked why, to which she replied, “because it’s the only religion that accepts everybody.” Daniel then threw out that Christianity does that and she fired back, “except gay people.” Continue reading

Learning the Hard Way

Today I find myself in the midst of a personal conflict.  I am not going to share what or who the conflict involves,  but I would like to share what I have learned.  Well, of what I am reminded.  This conflict has been on my mind and although I was hurt, I know that I could have avoided the hurt in a number of different ways.  Conflict takes at least two so all the blame cannot be placed on someone else.  I got to thinking about some Scripture that I had bookmarked in my Bible app and wanted to review it and copy it into a little journal for better access. This was today’s Verse of the Day:

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NIV)

Well, if that don’t beat all.  I am certainly in a period of rebuking and correcting because my actions have not been in-line with the principles that I hold dear.  What I should have kept in mind is:

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Freestyle Fridays: “My Power. My Choice. My Forgiveness.” by Mathair Fiona

I have a guest post over at Winding Road! This is possibly a triggering subject so please be aware of that and reach out if you need someone to talk to. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to share this part of me and hope that it is a blessing to you.

Winding Road

Mathair Fiona is a blogger whose posts I never miss. I can’t exactly put her in a nutshell which is what I think I like best about her. Meghan is inspiring, thought-provoking, honest, curious, and very smart. I am particularly honored to be hosting this post as she shares very defining moments in her life.

When Kerry asked me to guest post, I wasn’t even remotely sure what I would write about. Luckily, she has a topic list for her Freestyle Fridays so that gave me a place to start.  I’ve landed on a defining moment in my life.

Typically, the posts on my blog are inspired by whatever is going on in my life at the moment, things I’m reading/studying, or current events. The topic I am going to share today has been one that I have been wanting to write about for quite some time, but I have…

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The Small Things

Kerry at The Winding Road just posted her entry for the Living Thankfulness Link-Up. Have a read and get inspired!

Winding Road

The lovely Meghan at Mathair Fiona recently posted her conclusion to her own thankfulness challenge. I do not usually keep a gratitude journal and did not take part in the November Facebook gratitude posts but Meghan’s challenge inspired me to live with gratitude. And while I may not continue writing down what I am thankful for daily, the exercise trained me to think and feel gratitude regularly. Below is my unedited list of thankfulness begun December 1st. I only made it to the 22nd but I learned a great deal.

  1. I’m thankful that I embody motherly aspects that I don’t always feel. My daughter often comments, as she did this morning, that she loves how warm and soft I am.
  2. I’m thankful for the magic of the Christmas season. The wonder in my children’s eyes is enough to bring tears to mine.
  3. I’m thankful for my dog. She has been with…

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