Keto Caramel Hot Chocolate

I am feeling pretty proud of myself today and wanted to share! I have been experimenting with ketogenic eggnog and hot chocolate for a while and I think I have finally stumbled upon the perfect recipe for Wild Man. My first few attempts at hot chocolate where met with some displeasure, to say the least, but my eggnog was fairly well received. However, today I think I now have the best of both worlds!

Keto Caramel Hot Chocolate
(makes 2 servings with approximately 2 carbs each)


  • 1-2 tbs butter
  • Egg yolks (as many as suits your tastes)
  • 1/4c water
  • 3/4c full-fat coconut milk (I use Aroy D because there are only 2 carbs per 1/2c serving)
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder (heaped; the brand I use only has 1 net carb per 1 tbs serving)
  • 2 tsp Eyrithritol (heaped)
  • 2 tsp sugar-free caramel syrup


  • Melt butter and whip into egg yolks
  • Add all other ingredients to sauce pot and whisk in butter-egg mixture
  • Heat over medium heat until just about it boil
  • Divide as you like and let cool before enjoying!

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Feel free to mix this up a little bit. If you don’t want it to be as rich, leave out the butter, yolks, or both. You can even add spices like cinnamon and/or nutmeg. Need to dress it up? Make whipped cream with Erythritol or sugar-free vanilla syrup with either real whipping cream or coconut cream (I like Savoy with only 2 carbs per 1/2 cup serving). I guarantee that however you make this you’ll be as pleased as Wild Man!

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This recipe is a hit with both of my kiddos so I think it will be a mainstay for quite some time. I was starting to become a little discouraged because all holidays are associated with food for me. I grew up in the kitchen and show my love for others through my cooking. As I watched everyone with their holiday baking traditions this season, my heart hurt a little, but I seem to be getting the hang of this new way of cooking so we can have our own holiday food traditions.

Other Sweet-Related Recipes:


2 thoughts on “Keto Caramel Hot Chocolate

    • Oh my goodness! I don’t know how I missed this. I better see what happened to my email notification settings.

      Anyway, if you’ve ever had egg nog, this has a similar consistency. I have been making this a lot lately and only once did I actually cook the yolks. It looked pretty disgusting, but my son kept saying, “Yum. This is good, mom.” He’s not one for stroking my ego so it must not have been awful. LOL

      Give it a shot. If you need lots of fat, this is the way to go. The one I made the other day had over 60 grams of fat in it because my little guy had barely been eating anything. All is well so it must have done the trick!


Sit a spell.