Project Simplify – Week 1: Drawers and Shelves

I got a jump start on Project Simplify because I’ll be on vacation most of the actual first week (Week of April 9).  Once I got started, I did not want to stop.  I was chucking things and filling up a donation bag like crazy.  However, since we are pretty good at not accumulating “stuff” I eventually ran out.  I cleaned out 6 drawers and 5 shelves.  I got rid of 5 left-handed rubber gloves and an entire drawer full of expired sunblock.  Yikes.

I’m so excited to get on to the next weeks’ tasks, but they will have to wait as I have a million other tasks to take care of.  Especially with a cross-country trip just around the corner!  I took a couple before and after photos to give some idea of what I’ve been up to.  Maybe they will inspire you to get crackin’!

Junk Drawer - Before

Junk Drawer – Before

Junk Drawer - After

Junk Drawer – After

Hallway Shelves - Before

Hallway Shelves – Before


Hallway Shelves – After

See my introductory post for more information on my plans!

One thought on “Project Simplify – Week 1: Drawers and Shelves

Sit a spell.