Project Simplify – Week 1: Drawers and Shelves

I got a jump start on Project Simplify because I’ll be on vacation most of the actual first week (Week of April 9).  Once I got started, I did not want to stop.  I was chucking things and filling up a donation bag like crazy.  However, since we are pretty good at not accumulating “stuff” I eventually ran out.  I cleaned out 6 drawers and 5 shelves.  I got rid of 5 left-handed rubber gloves and an entire drawer full of expired sunblock.  Yikes. Continue reading

Project Simplify…I Know You Wanna!

Project Simplify on Simple Mom

Fair warning: this is about to get SUPER mom-y.  I am going to talk about spring cleaning and even provide details of some of the nastier aspects of my home.  You’ve been warned.

I’ve been following Simple Mom on Facebook now for a while, and I occasionally read the blog posts, but today I got incredibly excited about Simple Mom’s “Project Simplify.”  I’m not sure why I am so pumped about it, but I am going to tell my lucky readers ALL about it. Continue reading