I don’t believe in Friday the 13th superstition…I swear.

Today is day #8 that I am stuck at my house thanks to this flipping snow storm.  Last night, Crazy Pants kept waking up and wanting to go in the “wimma room” (that’s toddler for “living room”).  This morning, I let him sleep in and addressed all of my Christmas cards.  I had this plan: mail cards, go to the bank, pick-up meat from the CSA, and lastly, pick-up a prescription.  Then, this evening we were all supposed to go have dinner with some friends.

Then I tried to leave.  It’s like some sick horror movie up here.  The snow is melting, there is slush all around, but the freaking driveway is a sheet of ice!  I made it like 5 feet before I put it in park, set the emergency break, and bundled everyone back into the house. Oh, and Crazy Pants didn’t want to nap until 4:15 this afternoon.  I let him.  I may kick myself tonight at bedtime, but this kid is going just as nuts as I am.

So here I am, feeling sorry for myself and just about ready for my head to spin and split-pea soup to come spewing from my mouth.  Ah well…I guess it’s pizza and beer tonight.  Thank God for that.

Pic borrowed from http://www.barbaricgulp.com/2008_01_01_archive.html

4 thoughts on “I don’t believe in Friday the 13th superstition…I swear.

    • Yes! The Man in Plaid and his dad got that sorted. It took a few days, but the water is flowing! We are still a little icy up here, but we got out to get a tree yesterday and church today. I am so happy to not be stuck anymore!


Sit a spell.