SSS-Six Sentiments Saturday


I just want to apologize in advance if someone already came up with this (please let me know if that is the case), but I had a little brain-child today and want to share it with you all!

Everyone is always doing Ten Thoughts Tuesday or Thursday, whatever the case may be, and I decided that I want to participate, but those aren’t really the best days for me to be blogging.  Saturday is MUCH better.  I did a quick Bing search to see if anything existed, and found nothing so I decided to come up with my own…what are these things even called? Blogging exercises? Brain dumps? Anyway… I obviously needed a word that would alliterate appropriately with Saturday, so ‘sentiment’ sounded fun.  Then I picked the number six because it is even and my favorite number is three.  So there your have it, “Six Sentiments Saturday.”

If you choose to participate, remember that this is a touchy-feely exercise:

Sentiment (noun): 5. a thought influenced by or proceeding from feeling or emotion.

Here I go!

  1. Excitement: Tonight I start my social media black-out and am excited to get started and see what comes of it.
  2. Heart-ache: A family member hit and killed a bicyclist this week, and I hurt for them. They were not at-fault, but I can’t even imagine the suffering one experiences following an event such as that.
  3. Relief: Crazy Pants does not have celiac disease.
  4. Uncertainty: Crazy Pants doesn’t have celiac disease, but we still have many unanswered questions.
  5. Peace: I’ve got a wide-open calendar this month and I feel s-l-o-w-e-d down already.
  6.  Joy: There are so many different things going on in and around my life, but I am thankful each and every day that I get to experience ALL OF IT. That is sometimes a hard place to be, but once you get out of a valley the view from the mountain is spectacular.

Care to play along?

9 thoughts on “SSS-Six Sentiments Saturday

  1. Valerie says:

    I love that your “thoughts” post is actually a “feelings” post! Awesome idea!! Funny, I am a much better weekday blogger. The weekends are usually a blur!


    • It’s been such a blessing. I am loving it so much that I am trying to come up with some future ground rules for myself. Not sure how it will all pan out, but this has been SO nice.


      • Valerie says:

        Good!!! I felt the same way when I left blogging for those months. Seriously, it was SOOO nice. I know I’ll need another break at some point. 🙂


        • I imagine! You are a busy woman in this neck of the Internet 😉

          I find blogging to be a different beast than the other social media outlets. It is slower and more full of thought.


Sit a spell.