Beautiful Mama Award

Time for another award post!  This one is pretty sweet and I’m pretty sure I blushed a bit when I saw that I had received this one.  Without further ado (did I spell that right?)…

A big thanks to Kerry at Winding Road for nominating me for this one.  If you read her blog you know that she is about as beautiful a mama as they come.

So here are the rules:

1: Display the logo and link to the person who nominated you.

2: List 3 things you love about motherhood.

– Finally experiencing the feeling that my heart just might explode.  I know that sounds horrendous, but sometimes my little ones do things that just make my heart swell.  It is a level of happiness that I could never have imagined possible.

– Being challenged every. single. day. I have had some really difficult jobs over the years, but nothing compares.  Anyone that believes being a SAHM is mind-numbing is deluded.

– Being able to re-experience wonder at nearly everything in the world.  I have always been one to get lost in dreams and so forth, but there is nothing better than hearing, “Wow Mommy, look at that!”  Quite literally, EVERYTHING is brand new to our little ones, and I get to experience some of that wonder, too.

3: Nominate as many other beautiful mama’s as you like.


Reinvention of Mama

The Secret Life of Emily Maine

Did That Just Happen Blog

What The Mom

Laptop on the Ironing Board

Fascinations of a Vanilla Housewife

Spread the love, mamas!!!

15 thoughts on “Beautiful Mama Award

  1. reinventionofmama says:

    Well thank you! What a sweet idea for an award. I agree with you wholeheartedly about experiencing wonder. I remember that most when my girls were around age 2 and 3. I loved watching them SEE everything for the first time. It really gives a person some perspective about whether rushing through life is acceptable.


  2. Thanks so much! I’ll get to this soon, hopefully later this week. I’ve got 3 sick kids! Such a bummer, poor little things. (And here’s for hoping I don’t get it too because we all know that doesn’t matter!) Just keep swimming…


  3. Valerie says:

    Congratulations! You certainly are a beautiful mama. I love how true it is that we get to re-experience wonder when we have children!


    • Thank you 🙂 I recently set it up so that I get email notifications when you post, “just in case” you were to return to blogging. Then shortly thereafter, I got an email about a post! What happened to your hiatus? I’m guessing there is a chance I missed a post about that 🙂


      • Valerie says:

        Haha, yeah I’m not completely gone, am I? LOL Well, I stopped blogging (reading or writing) entirely but then a few things happened I just really wanted to share. I’ve come back just once every few weeks since. I’m being productive here at home, though (which was the main reason for the hiatus) so I figure it’s okay. 😉 I don’t know exactly when I’ll return full time but thank you so much for following!


        • I’m glad you aren’t totally gone 🙂 You were probably the person that got me started in this little community we have going on around here!

          I haven’t been super great about following (hence why I asked the question), and then I realized that I could get notices in my email. I go for long periods without ever checking my reader and I need to make sure I’m not missing my most important bloggy friends.


Sit a spell.