Did you miss me?!? Well, I didn’t die…

Hello faithful followers,

I have neglected you. After July 26, 2014, I just vanished.  If you follow me on any other social media sites, you probably have somewhat of an idea about what my life has been like the past three months.  It has been this incredible blur of doctors, hospitals, dietary changes, therapy appointments, new medications, excrement and emesis, and a taste of normalcy thrown in here and there.  I took a quick look at my calendar and, literally, the day following my last post is when the ‘S’ hit the fan. If you could see my calendar, you might actually cry. But the good news is: we survived!

It is premature, but our lives seem to be calming down ever so slightly.  I can hardly believe it, but I am soaking up all the slow, quiet moments that get thrown my way.  For instance, my boys slept until 9 a.m. for some unknown reason yesterday.  I didn’t ask any questions, I just downloaded Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and devoured two whole chapters so I can, hopefully, participate in the book club discussion with all my Mamas-In-Arms over at Ambleside Online.  I was getting a little desperate with all the lack of reading, but I can see a light at the end of the tunnel!

Now, I had every intention of completing my Of Course I Can! Blog Hop.  I even did some actual canning and took pictures in preparation for a post. It just never happened. I was starting to feel really guilty about it and then remembered that every. single. one. of you have lives and get that sometimes those lives do not go as planned.  God had other things in store for us.  This has been a growing time and I am thankful for it.  I did not handle all of it with the utmost grace or humility, but I did notice those times and God and I have been having some pretty intense board meetings about how to move this company (read: family) forward.

I have decided that I am not going to write that final post for the blog hop, but I’ll give you a few pictures to satisfy your curiosity.  I have also decided that I need to have actual focus on my blog.  I have been awarded the Versatile Blogger Award (I never did write a post about it), and that was my first clue that I need to figure something out! I think the description of my blog was: “you never know what you’ll find over there.” Just thinking about the first time I read that makes me laugh! So, I have decided that I will be writing about faith. The most positive feedback I have received in regard to my writing over the years has always seemed to be connected with something having to do with faith.  My writing will, of course, continue to have a family-related flavor, but faith will be the focus.

I hope you will all stay with me as I head off in this new direction and will forgive me for dropping the ball with my blog hop!

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Hebrews 11:1 ESV

The Man in Plaid grew some monster carrots!

The Man in Plaid grew some monster carrots!

Peeling monster carrots on the porch.

Peeling monster carrots on the porch.

Finished! 14 pints.

Finished! 14 pints.

9 thoughts on “Did you miss me?!? Well, I didn’t die…

  1. Thank God you’re back!! I was sick to death of seeing that Canning Title!! Oh what? You didn’t know I stalk your blog? :p
    Lookin forward to more pics, and might I add, I love your theme and header. Ttyl cause you say interesting stuff bout stuff and I like you. Hugs! (I might be slightly tired… 2am my time.)


    • LOL! No, I did not know that 🙂 God willing, there will be much more frequent title rotation 🙂

      I’m glad you returned from seclusion, too! Who knew the absence of an Internet friend could be so profoundly felt?!?

      I hope you got some sleep!


Sit a spell.